Sunday, August 7, 2011

Movies Round 2

The two I saw was "Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes" and "the change up"

First "Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes" It was a good movie, oddly, I was expecting it to be filed with fighting, boobs, and explosions. But, It had very little of those and no boobs.
The movie is the main ape growing smarter, evolving, then changing other apps to help him escape, with a nice large fight seen (apps VS. Human) at the end, but, the apps don't kill, they just hurt!

This movie impressed me A LOT! 9/10

Now "The Change Up" This movie sucked, It got most of it's humor from swearing, and was filled to the brim with boobs, and shit jokes.

I give this movie a 3/10 only because I DID laugh, once.


  1. well 3 new movies came out today and it would be awesome if you could review Final Destination 5, Glee 3D the concert Movie (torture i know) and 30 mintues or less

  2. @Anonymous Well....No, No, and Maybe

  3. Agreed, No, Resounding no, and maybe
