Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Why Hello There! This is SirSlaughter here with Brink. Now I have not had much experience with many games of this style. I have only played games like TF2 (for 2 hours) and Section 8. Now From what I have heard people call this a re skin of TF2. Well I am here to tell you It's not. It is that and so much more. Now yes the classes are very similar a lot of the times in how they work. But this refined and polished off the team play experience. The game is magnificent. But it really shines when you are with friends. I have maybe one or 2 complaints but only one of them is huge...and it will dock it off 2 points for that one thing. So let us get started shall we.

Graphics: This game is visually amazing. the colors and the textures combined make this game stand out from a lot of games. Every time I pop in the disk I always look forward to seeing the graphics and textures come together to make wonderful eye candy as I hold a position from the enemy. I spend more time deciding how my character will look than actually playing or using the other outfits at my disposal. It just looks that good! Kudos to you Bethesda for working so much on that part. Nicely done.

Weapons: So many weapons and I can put 3 to 4 attachments on my gun at once! There are so many weapons to choose from and I can play around and experiment with all the combos to find what suits me. I love it. I hope that the net update comes with maybe even more weapons. I liked the shield and bayonet update for the guns. And let us not forget that different body types have a different load out of weapons to choose from- Heavy: all guns are available, Normal: assault rifles and shotguns for main- Subs and pistols for secondary, light: Subs for main, pistols for secondary. They did well on this.

the levels: All the levels were well done and thought out. Now there are 2 snipers in the game but the maps are not really sniper friendly except for maybe 1 or two I can think of off the top of my head. So I guess they should have made a map or 2 more that were a b it more sniper friendly, But whatever I am an assault guy anyway so no loss to me. But as I was saying. The levels are thought out and well done But there is one map in particular I hate with all my heart. Only because of the positioning of one of the objectives and the fact that the AI is as smart as a pile of bricks when they are on your team. But that is all. The colors and textures are pleasing on every level and I like finding flanking points they scattered throughout the levels.

AI: Oh boy...now this is where it gets ugly. Bethesda I am ashamed and dissapointed in the work for the AI on this game. If I was to describe the AI I would say as dumb as a cucumber. No wait, I apologize to the cucumbers, The AI is as smart as a particle of dust. Now when they are on the enemy team it is like you are playing with the developers themselves and they rape you so hard that I am surprised my character can even walk anymore. But if you have the AI on your team they can't get anything done without you. Now This may be because I am playing on hard but Hey That offers a true challenge and breeds excellence. So hush. But I am so angry when the Enemy AI hoards up on an objective and your team just sits there and gets shot trying ot go for secondary objectives that don't even matter. f you do not open flanking routes for your team your team IQ will drop a good 89%. No, Really I am serious. SO this mode is best played when doing Versus mode and online with buddies. That way you know you are going against and playing with somewhat competent players. Sorry Brink but the AI enraged me so much I am docking 2 points off your score for that one.

Gameplay in general: Think TF2 but prettier and with ADS along with a much better selection of class abilities, and parkour. Now this is what makes the game different big time. The parkour. (am I even spelling that right?) You can have your character reach new heights and flank better by jumping all over the place and sliding under cover and hopping over obstacles. A lot of fun. The gameplay can keep me entertained forever. And you know what I just realized...This game has done something I have not experienced in a very long time. The AI may be as smart as a bag of bricks But I realized that I had one of those moments when you were a child and you finally beat an ungodly difficult boss and you just jumped into the air for joy while screaming you finally won. I had one of those moments recently with this game and That made me happy. Very happy indeed. I want to give this game a 10 out of 10, But the AI just completely f*cked it up.

So I guess I am gonna leave Brink here with a 8 out of 10. But if They were to do an update on Team AI I would gladly edit this and change it to a full 10. SO yeah 8 out of 10 and With the Price drops it is soooo worth it. Unless you are a COD player and do nothing but lone wolf crap. If you are that player don't buy it Only if you are a team player and enjoy paying with friends yelling at the AI to smarten up.

This is SirSlaughter getting off here and I am off to play some more Brink :D Oh and now that those new games are coming soon I will have plenty ore reviews coming Holiday time. Bye Bye!

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