Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fallout New Vegas

Hi guys, SirSlaughter here with a doozy. And I do mean this was a bit of a doozy. Fallout new vegas... hmmm How do I describe...Ok I got it. Imagine fallout, Wild west style, with too much crap added in and so any bugs and glitches your head spins just thinking about it. Now let me get into a bit more detail.

Weapons: I loved that they put in so many new weapons, What I did NOT like was all the parts needed to make ammo. I have so many cases and pieces of lead in my inventory it is nauseating, The worst part is they have no value. So I can not sell off all that excess crap for some caps. I just did not like it. Ok and they also now have ironsights. That was a good touch I liked. I enjoyed aiming down the sights and not thinking about how much my gun skill sucked so I would miss all the time.

Glitches: Ok there are so many bugs and glitches still in the game after all this time? What the hell Obsidian!? What is wrong with you! I mean seriously how about you stop pumping out DLC and maybe do a patch so NPCs stop glitching inside of the floor and twitching. And when I kill them they stop going underneath the world meaning I can no longer loot them. That would be nice. Oh and your mountain work sucks. I am sorry but If I can float in the air because the boundaries set for the mountains were not put in properly I feel like there is something terribly wrong. And I hate losing framerate every 10 minutes because The coding is buggy as shit. Obsidian, Fix your shit!

Story: Ok the story was solid, But I did not feel like I was really involved as i was hoping to. I liked where it was going a lot But, I just did not feel like I was really part of the action like in fallout 3. I was much more immersed within that story than I was in this one. I have yet to complete it still. I just am not really that interested in that story, After I *spoiler*: Kill benny That was it for me, I stopped listening to Mr house and I just starting murding legionaries for sport.* end spoiler* I think you needed to work just a tad bit more on the way you delivered it. But then again, I did juts shoot my way into the Legion camp. I mean I really did hate those bastards... So that may have played a role in my short story play through. But I believe it did need a bit more work.

Now I loved that they tried to do so much, But as I was told beforehand they just could not deliver. They tried too hard and could not do what they wanted. It is like saying you are going to build a supercomputer for your friend...and then realizing that supercomputers are REALLY REALLY EXPENSIVE, and then you have to settle with going only half way instead. That is what I felt was going on here. Now I liked how many ways the story was able to end and I give them a thumbs up for that one, But the delivery of it all was not enough for me.

Perk nerfing: yes, They nerfed perks....a lot of them. They call it balance I call it STFU I am playing a single player game and I wanted to be the crusading Juggernaut of the wasteland like in 3. The grim reapers sprint only gives you 20 AP now? WTF IS THIS! and I only get a perk every OTHER level? Now come on! I am getting plastered left and right here and you guys want to keep nerfing shit on me!? and now power armor only gives me 25 DR? *facepalm* I am disappoint. Now I like how you gave me the good stuff early on and that I was able to demolish the casinos with all my luck I had, But really I do not think all the caps in the world are gonna make up for what you did here. I may be rich But Now I can't raid the vaults without getting destroyed by an army of casadors and 5 deathclaws attacking me at once....*shudder* Not cool man, Not cool.

Replayability: It is still high in that respect but Not as much as in fallout 3. Now I may be unfair in the fact I am comparing it to its predecessor, But with games such as this, That is what I am supposed to do. Now If you did not like fallot 3 you will despise this one. If you loved 3 with a passion you tattooed the number 101 on your ass cheek you will find enjoyment out of this. I find enjoyment But They just could not deliver. And no wonder This was Obsidians work, Not Bethesda. For shame Obsidian. And for shame Bethesda for allowing this game to reach the public.

I am going to stop here As I do believe you got the point. The game is worth picking up at a cheap price, Maybe used. But not when It first came out. Now if you do find yourself with this game in your library and you have hard drive space to spar, Please install it to your hard drive. Or else you will freeze your xbox several times within a minute. I did it and It runs much better, But the glitches still persist

I give this one a 6.5 out of 10. it is worth the $16.99 I paid for it. I even got the Pre-order bonus with it. Someone pre-ordered and never picked it up. :D SirSlaughter Out!

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