Thursday, July 7, 2011

Game Requests

Alright, As some of you should know, I will be handling game requests. Now please if you have a game you want me to review just say so. Wither by e-mail or by writing out a comment here. But there are a few restrictions on certain games that I can review. For example:

Region locked games. I am in the USA now, BUT! I am working at a gamestop ON POST. So this means that certain games are not going to be made available for me to rent out. Such as The issues with the last Medal of Honor. As Much as I would LOVE to try it out, One: Military posts have outlawed the sale of said games on post. two: even if someone were to turn one in at the gamestop I am still not allowed to even look at the thing. I can take it in, But I can't use it or check it out.

2 Week delays: When a new game is released I must wait 2 weeks before I am allowed to check it out. I could buy the game, But why buy when you can rent? I mean I will be buying several games on release day, But others will have to wait. And the fact I must play the game means That it will be a few days depending on the length of the story and the fun of the multiplayer. But don't you worry, Most new games I will be picking up though. I already have 5 on pre-order. So this batch of games should be reviewed in time for you to check it out.

Rare Games. Certain games are....rare. For example games with exclusive content or content that requires a code that comes with the game. I can rent but If I use the codes provided such as Red Factions Armageddon code for the survival mode thing, I cannot review. So sadly this is a no. And special editions of the game such as a prestige edition or the Gears epic edition I can not review unless I have purchased it. So sadly for you guys I can't tell you if the flag and cog medallion are built well, Not can I tell you about the statue of Fenix. But I can still rent out the normal versions.

PC Games. I am a heavy Xbox Player. That is where most of the game reviews are gonna come from. Now I would review PC Games more, BUT! That little thing everyone agrees to EULA specifies that the moment I install the game to my hard drive it is now Mine forever. I cannot return the game, I can't get my money back or anything. So sadly PC Games will be a rare sight. Now granted I will review some every once in a while and Recommendations area always welcome, Just don't expect me to do it. I would if I could But I can't. But I will make sure to stay on top of the releases and such and let you guys know all I can. Oh and I do not have a Gaming computer anyway, SO my reviews would be slightly biased towards PC games due to performance issues and such things that require a bit more muscle to play. But if the game is free (and not a flash game on the internet or a Hentaikey Pr@nz) I will probably check it out.

PS3 and Wii, 3DS, PC, and itouch/iphone exclusives. I only own an Xbox 360, my HP laptop, psp, and my DSi. So if it only came out for another console other than what I have (PC very rarely) I can't review it. If I had the money I would gladly buy all the games and consoles i would want, But like most of you I am broke and am only making a small amount of money every paycheck. (I usually work only 8-16 hours a week)

Indie games: This will be a rare thing to see from me. I take a little look to see what is going on every once in a while and I occasionally download an indie game here or there, But I won't be doing to many reviews on these. But you can still suggest away.

That should be about it. Oh and no I will not rent out games that are aimed at children under the age of 5. I don't feel like wasting my time playing elmos fun time adventure, or Dora and the letter of loneliness....Keep that away from me. Oh and no ponies. You know who you are. *glares*

Ok if you have questions just type a comment below or send an email my way and all should be good to go. Oh and forgive me if I do not do a review every other day, I do play games that are older and Now that I get all the perks of a gamestop employee I have been getting really old games and playing them as if they were knew to me. such as right now I have been playing borderlands right now. (which I am loving as of now) This is SirSlaughter signing off. Till net time, SirSlaughter Out!

I can take the IPod (3Gen) Games


  1. I can take the IPod games, NOT IPad and I will add this too requests.

  2. well since your doing requests can u review Call of Duty WaW i know its an old game but can you do it
