Friday, July 15, 2011

Save the animals please

Alright this is SirSlaughter here, Now Normally this kind of stuff would not be here, But I have made an exception for a reason. Now for anyone here who likes animals at all I ask you check out this link right here: HELP

Now the reason I am asking you guys to do this is because of what is held within this link. Now I am going to warn you that there is a video in there (that you can choose to watch or not) That has some really disturbing stuff within. Now Normally I am a calm person that can keep his cool under stressful times, But This just takes the cake. know the world is not a happy place and people need jobs, But the way the people in the video go about it...It I want you to sign the petition here and put the cruel slaughter of animals (dogs, cats, So on) to a stop in china. Yes China is supplying the demand for animal fur in bulk. And not normal animals like rodents or even wild animal they hunt, But no, They find a dog, cat, or whatever have you, and they skin it alive. WHile it is still alive after being skinned they toss it into a pile of other skinned animals. As this animal is in the worst pain possible you can still see it breathing and you can clearly see as its eyes open and it begins to cry in pain. You can see a tear and the animal is helpless as it struggles in the worst pain it could possbly have and slowly just gives in and dies. Why did I tell you this....SO YOU CAN CLICK THE MOTHER F*CKING LINK! Now click it or die. Why am I so angry? Well did you just not read the description of what was within the video? Now click on the link sign the petition make a million email accounts in your name and resign the petition as a different person as many timesa s you can. If the site has an IP adress lock for a limited amount of entries, Then go to your library and do it, GO to your Military post and use all theri computers and do it, Go to your grandmothers house and do it. I just want to see this kind of thing stopped. I know the world s not a happy place and I understand that humans need to survive, But this is just too far. I swear I am going vegetarian after this. I don't care if it is their culture or if it is a stable part of their economy....I don't care, It must stop. I don't care if they bring up how we slaughter livestock to feed ourselves, I am barely gonna touch meat after this anyway. God WTF is wrong with people?


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