Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crackdown 2

Alright people, This is SirSlaughter yet again with another review. I know i have not been up to date like I hoped I would be lately but I have been just a bit busy lately. Granted, yes some of the games I review are older games But there are some people who still do not have games such as this. So seeing as I just bought this guy right here I might as well review.

Ok if I were to describe this game in as few words as possible, I would say.... Grand Theft Auto on steroids. I mean really really really GOOD STEROIDS! The game is great. It is fun and the extra content you can buy makes it so much fun to goof around all you want. Now if you are looking for a game with a good story and a good campaign...well You may not like this game too uch. The campaign is strange in the way they chose to deliver it. You basically go around the city and do various objectives in any which order you please. Bow for me this was fun. I wanted a game I could goof around and blow stuff up while being a super soldier jumping high into the air and stuff. This game delivered nicely with that.

The multiplayer is fun and the content is satisfying. I inly have a few small problems. One of them being the aiming. It does not let me switch between targets when I lock on. I have to let go and aim freely at another enemy to aim at them. And lots of times it will prioritize explosive barrels or vehicles instead of the guy shooting me with a grenade launcher. It is annoying But I can get by and survive.
Another thing is the hand to hand fighting. I feel like I am a big clunky sack of crap trying to smack people. Not game breaking Because you will be so fast and have so much power that you can just jump into the air and shoot the instead. But I wish that the hand to hand was a bit better.

Now I liked this game for the fun content and the way that they pulled off multiplayer co-op. It is fun and enjoyable and I can't really ask for much more. I can't really describe much but All I gotta say is that I am gonna pick up number 1 when My next paycheck comes around. So I will leave it at that. I know that it may not give you as much of an n depth description as I was hoping I could But I have to say I would rate this at an 8 out of 10. Not bad whatsoever. Seeing as this is a slightly older game I can say that It is well worth whatever you will probably be paying for it. Very well worth it.

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