Saturday, July 2, 2011

Call Of Duty

Ok. I am now a new author for the Blog. The names SirSlaughter and I was born with a controller in my hand. Is that good enough for you? Good. Now let me start with my first post with this picture. I got it in my e-mail today while signing up and talking to my Friend D3ADKi113R. So I though, Sure I should write a review about COD and my experiences with it.

Now Granted, I have not played every COD from number 1 so My opinion can be labeled as biased and so on. But Hey, isn't everyones at some point? But that is besides the point. As I was saying, My experiences with COD have been....decent for the most part. Now I started with COD 4 Modern warfare 1. This is what got me into it, and I got it just as MW2 was coming out, So I quickly switched to it soon after teh release. But I can say I have lost interest in COD ever since Treyarch Destroyed it with Black ops. yes I said that. Black ops was teh worst so far in my own opinion. Now please I am not hating them nor am I saying they need to die in a hole, But! I am saying that Black ops was not good. In Modern Warfare 1 I could play a hardcore match and be MVP every time so long as I watched my corners. But In MW2 there are too many nube toobs and campers and I can't do anything without being spawn tubed. It sucks. But the guns and the way it moved is still good and I love the game anyway. Now as for Black ops, just Granted it is good fun if you are playing with friends and You get a little plan and watch eachothers backs. That always makes the experiences so much better. But My problems with black ops are this:

Sub machine guns: What is this? I have an assault rifle and I get Pwnd by some Sub in a corner because he can raise his iron sights better? What!? Come on the AK74u is such bull in this game it isn't even funny. The darned thing is supposed to shoot pistol round for petes sake! And yet it has the power of a full on AK47 and it only takes to dang hits to kill me? And yet other guns take nearly forever to make someone die in this game. Gah! My head hurt when bad thing happen to me! Now this is probably just me whining like a little boy but I don't care, I am gonna bitch and moan until I get a cookie and a band-aid.

Campers: Ok now I know you are reading this and I want you to a hole. I am so annoyed by those who say it is a legitamite stategy or call it "ambushing". Just hell no. If you sit in a corner with Ghost, Ak74, and you do not move the entire game I think you should burn in the eternal torment that is Hell for all time. I can understand holding a position during objective based games and such or maybe You like the area such as in MW2 Skidrow's Base camp. I can see holding a position like this down, But when you do not move the entire game and you sit in the EXACT SAME DAMN SPOT ALL MATCH! You should die.

Ridiculous perk system: Now I know you perk lovers will hate me for this one but I feel I must rant and rave like a schoolboy who dropped his ice cream cone. You and your perks are ridiculous sometimes. People take advantage of the messed up mechanics of the game and ruin it for everyone. I mean really, that darn care package glitch? How many times must the devs patch this before you stop doing it? It is ludicrous. Stop glitching. Now. You use the darn flaws of the game to your advantage, you know what, I am gonna stop here. This has become a rant about how much I hate the way people play. Now I am just being a hypocrite. But I digress, The game is fun, it is decent, but the mechanics of the game and the way the devs set the guns, it is just all sorts of wrong.

Ok I suppose I can give them some credit, But Treyarch has lost its touch since WAW and The new MW3 is just not gonna be on my wish list anytime soon. I will rent it and see how it is, But You won't see my Gamertag in the mix for long. now the single player has always been....odd for me. I mean if you like being ambushed by grape jelly a lot on your screen then by all means go for it, But I have loved the story lines, But the actual game play I always found lacking. I love the story of all of them, But the game play just never drew me in. I pretty much just play it to say I did, know how the story is progressing, and be done with it. Then I am off to multiplayer to scream at children in the corners. I hope the new story for MW3 is gonna be a good conclusion because the killing off of the character sin the last one had me with a taste in my mouth so foul that I wanted to find the guy who decided to end ghost and rip his legs off and beat him to death with them. So, lets hope you don't end up dying in this one along with all the good characters. I would type more and such, But I am a bit busy with playing games because i am a bum/nerd/geek/weirdo like that. Now please if you feel the need to flame/rant/spit in my face over how I don't like COD then please do so in an orderly fashion and make a line. Do not send it to my e-mail, instead just post it here so I can read it here, i have enough issues with spam on my e-mail. Until nest time, SirSlaughter out!


  1. Good Work SirSlaughter!! I fixed it for you and made you an admin, now you have full control!!

  2. I noticed that you reviewed the multiplayer but not the zombie mode of the zombies which besides the fact that you cant jump over them in any way is actually a fun way to kill time and have fun with 3 of your friends or complete strangers cause to be honest I've met 3 of my best Xbox LIVE friends via zombie matches

  3. i mean i admit that Zombies can be full of WTF moments but then again what game isn't nowadays cause without zombies i would give the game 6/10 instead of 8/10 and the review that u did was top spot you should make a channel on youtube and do game reviews :I

  4. Ah yes, The zombies. Well I can't believe I left that out, But then again That is exclusive to Treyarch, And I actually do not like Treyarch very much. But yes That review will come another day.
